About Us

We are Thomas Chapman and Lyndsey Kowalczyk, together we own GroWild Acres.
Thomas was born and raised in Hartsville, SC and has been around agriculture most of his life. He majored in agriculture at Clemson University and graduated in 2018. After graduating, Thomas worked at several CBD farms before he eventually wound up working at a hydroponic farm in Charleston where he met me (Lyndsey).
I majored in wildlife biology at Mississippi State University, also graduating in 2018. After graduation I moved to Malawi, in south east Africa, to work with the Peace Corps promoting and educating about environmental awareness and sustainable agriculture. My time in Malawi is when I developed a love for agriculture. Once back in the US I also wound up working at the hydroponic farm in Charleston, where I met Thomas.
Thomas’ goal has always been to start his own farm back in Hartsville one day, and my dream has always been to find a way to support my community doing something I love. We enjoyed working at the hydroponic farm in Charleston, but it wasn't fulfilling us the way we wanted. So we decided to move to Hartsville and start GroWild Acres.
Our goal with GroWild Acres is to establish a community around our farm. We want to interact and form relationships with our customers, and to be able to share ideas and knowledge with each other. We farm using regenerative practices; no chemicals, no large machinery. We do our best to work alongside nature instead of trying to fight it. By creating a community through our farm we hope to be able to educate others on the benefits of regenerative, community, agriculture.
We want to build more than just a farm
Let’s Work Together
If you are a local farmer or business owner who would like to collaborate with us, let us know! We are always looking for new community partners